Print New Hampshire is a Certified UASG member and a 3M Certified Graphics Installation Company. This prestigious recognition is reserved for those organizations having demonstrated a superior level of capability and service within the area of large format graphic print production and installation.
What type of projects you use smartQ for?
We use smartQ to organize our large format print jobs from layout through printing, cutting, finishing, and shipping.

Why smartQ?
smartQ works well for this because we have several printers and several stages of finishing that a sign will go through from entry to completion. It will make this journey over 5-7 days. We often get calls to check the status and it's easy for our front office team to search a job and know exactly where it is in production and when it will be completed by.
What features you use the most?
We use the Excel spreadsheet upload several times a day to enter batches of sign jobs. We also organize the board by due date so priority jobs stay at the top of each column. We use the Notes at each stage of production so we know who printed a sign, who cut it, who packed it, and who shipped it.

Any plans to expand smartQ usage in the future?
We are only the sign department of a much larger company and we've had other departments and Account reps ask about using smartQ for themselves to organize and manage their own jobs and communicate the status with other people on their teams.