Number Queen Ltd. offers a wide range of financial services: payroll, sales tax, income tax, tax agency audits, etc.
smartQ flexibility and the support of custom fields made it possible handling all those different types of jobs in one place.
What type of projects you use smartQ for?
We have several boards – both my assistant and I each have a main board that we track all incoming work on. Those projects include every type of service/engagement we do in our firm: payroll, sales tax, income tax, tax agency audits, client requests, etc. I set up a check box to indicate the area of practice each ticket falls into.
We maintain 3 other boards for specific projects, such as the 2012 tax year filing season or a large client of ours. My employee also works for the financial planner in our office and she uses her own board to keep track of all her own pending work, separating it with tags between my stuff and his.

Why smartQ fits those type of projects better?
Every other client management software either operates within another software (like client management tools within our tax prep software) or does not allow the flexibility for tracking across multiple criteria. SmartQ allows me to find all tickets for one client, all tickets for one type of engagement, even to be more specific and find all tickets directly relating to IRS notices, regardless of the client or type of engagement.
What features you use the most?
- Tagging each ticket and using the customizations I made in the ticket form designer
- Making notes in each ticket as it progresses through the workflow process
- Referring back to my board to make sure I actually bill each client for work completed (this is the best part!)

Any plans to expand smartQ usage in the future?
I already use it for all my projects! I have only one other employee who I might extend it to when necessary, but I have shown several business clients because I think it would work for them as well...